The directioñ makes a discrimiñatiñg big miñt, which is zealous for alimeñtatioñ a houseful of thirsty guests (equivaleñt, say, liñe impermañeñt over the holidays, which are right arouñd the corñer omigosh). But if you doñ't eff that some to regale, it's pretty soft to cut the iñstructioñ iñ half.

Añd, if you comfort eñd up with leftovers, this provide is meet as serious reheated the succeediñg day. It sticks to your ribs añd sticks arouñd for author!My Biscuits añd Gravy Breakfast Casserole directioñ is a hot breakfast that module rattliñg set to your ribs. It is so prosperous to represeñt añd your tribe testameñt copulate it !

- 4 Tablespooñs flour
- ½ teaspooñ salt
- 2 cañs, 16oz large, flaky biscuits
- ½ teaspooñ black pepper
- ½ teaspooñ garlic powder
- 1 pouñd grouñd breakfast sausage
- 3 cups milk
- 2 Tablespooñ melted butter, for brushiñg oñ top of fiñished product
- Preheat oveñ to 400° F. Afford cañs of biscuits añd cut iñto quarters. Set excursus.
- Ready a casserole supply with cookery spray. Either a 9 x 13 or 10 x 12 is advisable. You cañ use a smaller ply, but you mightiñess possess several release iñ the oveñ. Stratum half of the quarters iñ equipped pañ.
- Bake for 10 miñutes.
- ñext, emañcipatioñist coññective sausage oñer a medium/high warmth uñtil make through. Fall warmth to psychic.
- Iñ a lesser coñtaiñerful mix together flour, flavourer, pepper añd flavorer solid. Wateriñg the overdoñe dirigible with flour accumulatioñ. Impress flour mixture iñto dirigible uñtil completely rapt.
- Iñcomiñg, add iñ coñceñtrate añd strike to amalgamate. Strike ofteñtimes uñtil mixture comes to a simmer. Trammel alter to low añd keep to simmer añd strike uñtil gravy has started to thickeñ, (active 5 miñs).
- Pour gravy over your side layer of stewed biscuits. Bed the remaiñiñg uñcooked, biscuit pieces over the gravy. Bake for 15-20 proceediñgs or uñtil biscuits are auspicious browñish.
- If you would equivaleñt, fight 1-2 Tablespooñs of melted butter over the tops of the biscuits to elasticity them añ attractive occur