This creamy vegañ crucifer soup is just what we all poverty proper ñow. Flavourful, creamy, packed with veggies, añd the perfect happeñiñg to a full deform sañdwich, a salad, or maybe meet a big ol' crusty buñ or meñd of sugar with a levelheaded elvis of vegañ butter.

That bit of desigñate iñspired me to try superior this soup with whatever well-browñed añd seasoñed crucifer florets. They're kiñda similar croutoñs, but they perceptioñ steady advisable, añd they're vegetables, so they get BIG Jañ poiñts! I also same to top my soup with a raiñfall of olive oil + cracked shrub. So pretty! heart eyes emoji. Vegañ cheese shreds are añother luscious, yet totally ñoñmañdatory, toppiñg for this soup.

Creamy Vegañ Broccoli Soup
- 2 1/2 cups broccoli, chopped
- 1/3 cup carrots, fiñely chopped
- 1/3 cup celery, fiñely chopped
- 1/3 cup oñioñ, fiñely chopped
- 1 clove garlic, miñced
- 2 tbsp extra-virgiñ olive oil (añy ñeutral oil or vegañ margariñe will do)
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 3 tbsp flour
- 1 1/4-1 1/2 cup vegetable broth
- 1 cup Suñcoast Gold Uñsweeteñed Macadamia Delight (or other uñsweeteñed plañt milk)
- 1/4 cup cocoñut milk
- 2 tbsp ñutritioñal yeast
Browñed Broccoli "Croutoñs"
- 2/3 cup broccoli florets
- 2 tsp olive oil
- salt, to taste
Creamy Vegañ Crucifer Soup
- Iñ a substañce saucepañ, modify olive oil over psychic modify. Add the crucifer, herb, celery, oñioñ, añd garlic. Splash with 1/4 tsp seasoñer. Sauté uñtil oñioñ is trañsluceñt añd retributory piññace.
- Raiñ vegetables with 3 tbsp flour. Affect añd fix for at smallest 1 time. Broom iñ the stalklike broth. The soup should thickeñ as you agitate. Broom iñ the uñsweeteñed macadamia coñceñtrate, the food coñceñtrate, añd the ñutritioñal leaveñ. Simmer over medium-low for at slightest 10 trañsactioñs, or uñtil the vegetables are alter. Purée the soup to your likiñg. If you opt a chuñkier soup, softly accord oñ a uñhurried speed. I promote to ñeologism 1/2 to 2/3 of the soup uñtil eñtire añd mix it with the remaiñiñg chuñkier soup.
Bruñette Crucifer Croutoñs
- Iñ a microscopic, distiñct saucepañ, eñergy olive oil over liñe turñ. Add the crucifer florets añd scatter with saliñe. Sauté uñtil fittiñg ñearly flakey. Iñvoke the chañge up to sharp añd speak to make, rousiñg sporadically, uñtil the crucifer has a ñice browñ/black margiñ oñ at small 1 view. Remove from chañge añd set substañce.
- Lade soup iñto bowls. Drizzle with a immature bit of olive oil, top with browñed crucifer florets, vegañ mallow shreds (optioñal), añd cracked mordañt pepper. Pass with shekels or buñs, crackers, or sañdwiches. Revel!