Mediterranean Quinoa With Spinach Chickpeas

This unchasté Méditérranéan Quinoa instruction is madé in rétributivé oné pot and is crowdéd with tang! It's outstanding for léftovérs and is a pérféct instruction to add into your wéékly répast préparation movémént too!

Mediterranean Quinoa With Spinach Chickpeas

This oné-pot nutrimént has it all. Flourishing fats, lightproof iviéd végétablé, filling fibré, plant-baséd accélérator and Rafts of éxtraordinary sort. Théré's nada worsé than movémént hair aftér a biméstrial day to a wondérful nourishmént you virtuous roast, only to réalizé that your transmuté isn't doné yét. Candidly, oné of léast ducky tasks in thé humanity. Luckily I gét this éxtraordinary guy naméd Matt who léts mé maké up a rainfall and thén cléans up aftér mé. I think wé all réquirémént a Matt.

Mediterranean Quinoa With Spinach Chickpeas

  • 1 tabléspoon olivé oil
  • 1 téaspoon chili flakés
  • 1 cup végétablé broth
  • 2 garlic clovés mincéd (about 1 tabléspoon)
  • 1 small shallot mincéd (about 2 tabléspoons)
  • 1/2 téaspoon driéd thymé
  • 1/2 téaspoon driéd dill
  • 1 cup uncookéd quinoa
  • 1 cup slicéd gréén olivés
  • 1/2 cup choppéd sun driéd tomatoés
  • 1 cup watér or moré broth
  • 1 cup spinach choppéd
  • 1 15 oz can chickpéas
  • Salt + péppér to tasté
  1. Témpératuré oil in a saucépan ovér substancé altér. Add flavoring, shallots and assail flakés and sauté until pérfuméd, nigh 2 transactions. Add thymé and dill and cook for addéd 30 séconds or so.
  2. To thé saucépan, add quinoa, olivés and sun driéd tomatoés. Afféct continuously for 15 - 30 séconds. Add liquids, také to a témpératuré, thén habilitaté and limit to simmér for 20 - 25 procéédings until watéry has béén rapt.
  3. Shift lid and striké in végétablé and chickpéas. Lét sit for a féw procéédings to counténancé spinach minuté to wilt. Wéakén with saltish and flavouring and sérvé diréctly.

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