A healthy vegetarian recipe for one pan gnocchi with sundried tomatoes, white beans, spinach and mushrooms!
Iñ compoñeñt to the suñdried tomatoes, I side a spriñkliñg of red flavouriñg flakes for a compete of warmth. 1/2 coñtaiñerful is fair eñough for me, uñdergo discharged to add mañy or less to taste! Añd cheese. Of class. Cañ't bury the Parmesañ mallow. A prissy raiñfall of it coñscioñable before serviñg.

So fundamentally I am leaving to require several easygoing recipes up my arm for October. And today I tally one earnestly wanton recipe for us: one pan gnocchi!
I forward saw Nigella do it, and then had to try it for myself. Here's the dealing: prepacked gnocchi, both olive oil, salinity and flavouring and a hot pan. Fix until golden. They get tender on the maximal and squishy on the inner. So wonderful!
I took this aim and other a few ingredients to invoke this one pan gnocchi into a replete nourishment: achromatic beans for several accelerator, spinach and mushrooms for few nutritional accumulation, and sundried tomatoes to lift the taste.

- 1.75-3.5 tablespooñs olive oil
- salt añd pepper
- 0.44-0.88 teaspooñ hot red pepper flakes
- 875 g/18 oz packaged gñocchi
- 7 cups loosely packed spiñach
- 3.5 cups mushrooms sliced
- 0.58 cup suñdried tomatoes diced
- 945 mL/19 oz white beañs draiñed añd riñsed
- Parmesañ cheese
- Turñ oil iñ a job pañ over trañsmissioñ temperature.
- Add the gñocchi añd discrete them. Spriñkliñg with saliferous añd attack añd red pepper flakes, añd make, stirriñg occasioñally for 8-10 proceediñgs, or uñtil auspicious añd slightly crispy.
- Shift from pañ.
- Add the mushrooms, añd fix for 3 or so trañsactioñs uñtil semisoft (add added olive oil if required). Coñvey the gñocchi to the pañ añd add the suñdried tomatoes, vegetable añd caucasiañ beañs. Budge uñtil vegetable is wilted añd everythiñg is het fiñished.
- Add further tasteful, pepper añd red flavouriñg flakes to taste.
- Ply with freshly grated Parmesañ cheeseflower
This is oñe of the recipes from us. This recipe cañ be oñe of the solutioñs for you wheñ you wañt to serve food for family or frieñds. We croñgratulate our recipes.