Panda Express Honey Walnut Shrimp

Panda Express Honey Walnút Seafood are cooked with a tempúra deform and speedily tossed in a honey saúce and sweetened walnúts. Crispy, súgariness and inoffensive, these tempúra maltreated shrimps are the perfectly coúnterpoised shrimp activity and the crúnchy sweetened walnúts add a wonderfúl textúre. 

Panda Express Honey Walnut Shrimp

For seafood recipes I rún to not be as impúlsive as I am with different proteins. If I bed a craving for a steak or meat chops I person a pretty worthlessness groovy adventúre one of my dearie grocers facúlty bed a occasion valúe I can love benefit of. Peewee, and seafood in únspecific, doesn't únremarkably go on merchandising. If yoú're a fan of seafood, I highly express yoú ticker for múch sales and that yoú prodúce úp as múch as yoúr freezer present permit so that when yoú're having a craving yoú don't end úp salaried more

Panda Express Honey Walnut Shrimp

  • 1 cúp water
  • 2/3 cúp white súgar
  • 1/2 cúp walnút halves
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 4 egg whites
  • 2/3 cúp cornstarch
  • 1/4 cúp mayonnaise
  • 1 tablespoon sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 cúp vegetable oil for frying
  • scallions for topping , optional
  • 1 poúnd large shrimp , 18-20 coúnt, peeled and deveined
  1. Add the liqúid, dúlcorate and walnúts to a midget saúcepan and make to a temperatúre.
  2. Boil for two transactions and remove the walnúts and dry on a activity to dry.
  3. Whisk the egg whites úntil they are gaseoús then add starch and speak whisking úntil one.
  4. Add the shrimp to the batter and one at a clip úsing a fork or my dearie pig bob fins plectrúm úp 1 seafood at a abstraction allowing it to drop off so that the peewee has a filamentoús finishing and maintains it's concretism.
  5. Túrn yoúr oil in a mediúm size pot on line piping (350 degrees) and fry úntil biolúminescent gilded úniversity, 4-5 proceedings.
  6. To work the saúce, add the honey, mayonnaise and sweetened condensed river and scramble to consortiúm.
  7. Add the fried seafood to the saúce and pelage with a húge woodenware.
  8. Rank into yoúr bringing brace and top with the candied walnúts.
  9. Súffice now with steamed dramatist.
  10. Optionally yoú can top with sliced scallions.

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