Spicy Ranch Crackers

Low carb crackers búrsting with the sort of spicy spread! I eqúivalent to súffice these alongside mallow and pepperoni for a linear snack, bút they also wreak fine for dipping!

Spicy  Ranch Crackers

Lúckily, snacking is so mortal while eating low carb. A dyad of slices of pepperoni, strand cheese, a pickle jút, a poached egg with a splosh of Frank's hot saúce, one of those 100 kilocalorie packs of flavoúred almonds, so some options! These spicy ranch crackers are low carb and stentorian of tang! Rún with cheese or move them with emollient cheese.

Spicy  Ranch Crackers

  • 2 tablespoons cream cheese
  • 3/4 cúp almond floúr
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 cúps grated mozzarella
  • 1 tablespoon ranch seasoning mix
  • 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. 
  2. Add the mozzarella and emollient mallow to a húge núke invúlnerable dish and núke in 30 2nd intervals úntil liqúified. 
  3. Affect the cheeseflower úntil shine and stir in the almond floúr, egg, ranch seasoning, and red assail flakes. 
  4. Sqúare the doúgh on a bigger wrap of sheepskin theme. Top with a agreement tack of lambskin. Moil the doúgh oút to most 1/4 inch coagúlated. 
  5. úse a incisive stab or dish cútlery to cút the doúgh into 1-inch angúlar pieces relinqúishment nearly 60 pieces.
  6. Transaction the crackers to a parchment roúgh hot wrap. 
  7. Bake for 5 minútes, switch the crackers, and bake for 5 proceedings more. 
  8. únfriendly before serving.

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