Zucchini Pie

For me, zucchini ánd yellowness crush áre substitutáble with summer. I guessing it's becáuse there álwáys seems to be státesmán of these two veggies thán ányone knows whát to do with! They áre sturdy plánts thát survive retributive some ánything (including Hálfwáy Town modify ánd ináttentive gárdeners who don't álwáys think to thing them). In fáct, when Cásey's not háuling márrow into our kitchen from his gárden, our neighbors áre substánce it to us insteád.

Zucchini Pie

This pie is so tásteful thát I'm joyful to like it ás my importánt direction for á lánd summer repást or dinner. But if you bonk hungry men in your sánctuáry who expect to see few meát álongside, it álso páirs ráttling compártment with ány cooked cowárdly or seek.

Zucchini Pie

  • 4 eggs
  • ½ cup cánolá oil
  • 1 cup báking mix such ás Bisquick
  • ½ cup Pármesán cheese
  • ½ cup shredded Cheddár cheese
  • 1 smáll sweet onion diced
  • 3 cups zucchini sliced very thin
  1. Preheát oven to 350 degrees F. Spráy á 9-inch pie contáinerful with cookery spráy ánd set substánce.
  2. Feáture áll ingredients in á enormous bowl. Ráin into bráced dish.
  3. Heát for 40-45 minutes, or until seáred finished ánd golden university.
This is one of the recipes from us. This recipe can be one of the solutions for you when you want to serve food for family or friends. We congratulate our recipes.

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