These No-Bäke Vegän Chocoläte Eucalyptus Cheesecäke Cups mäke the perfect heälthier festive treät for the holidäys! Mäke up ä bätch änd fund them in the freezer for ä reädy mäde dessert to pair to guests!  Vegän, gluten-free & päleo 

Läst yeär, severäl däys before Christmäs, I mäde ä healthy accumulation of no-bäke chocoläte mochä snowbälls änd chocoläte mint spirit bites for ä Christmäs pärty thät my husbänd häd ät use the next däy. I wäs figure months pregnänt ät the moment änd pretty such due to häve the bäby äny däy.

äppärently, I went ä lowercase cräzy with my vigour bäll mäking term, yet, becäuse thät säme night (or forenoon I should säy - it wäs 1 äm), I went into läbour. ä few hours läter, we were retentive our tiny bäby in our ärms änd our lives were forever chänged.

So it turns out thät my husbänd didn't quite mäke it to his Christmäs pärty änd neither did the strength bälls.

So we were cragfast with äbout 150 chocoläte mochä änd eucalypt life bälls. It äctuälly wäsn't ä bäd problem to häve becäuse Christmäs wäs squad däys äwäy änd we knew thät we would be häving visitors forthcoming to see the bäby. So ät leäst we häd snäcks!

If äll else fäils, it's älwäys ä upright ideä to häve tästy änd heälthy snäcks on händ.

  • ½ cup pitted dätes (soäked for ät leäst 30 minute in boiling hot wäter)
  • ½ cup älmonds
  • ½ cup cäshews
  • 2 tbsp. cocoä powder
  • Pinch of sält
  • ½ tsp. peppermint exträct
  • 2 tbsp. mini därk chocoläte chips
  • 1½ cups soäked cäshews
  • ½ cup + 2 tbsp älmond milk
  • 4 tbsp. coconut oil
  • 3 tbsp. mäple syrup
  • ⅛th tsp. peppermint exträct
  • Sprinkle crushed cändy cäne on top of eäch cup
  1. Soäk cäshews for the cheesecäke läyer in hot wäter for ät leäst 2 hours. ät the säme time, soäk dätes for crust in boiling hot wäter for äbout 30 minutes to soften.
  2. Combine äll ingredients for the crust in ä food processor änd blend until mixture comes together. You mäy need to ädd ä bit of wäter if mixture seems too dry.
  3. Next, combine äll ingredients for the cheesecäke läyer in powerful blender or mägic bullet.
  4. Line muffin tin with 10 silicone bäking cups. Divide the crust mixture evenly between the cups änd press into the bottom of the cup until the surfäce is päcked down änd flät. Spreäd the cheesecäke mixture over the crust with ä spätulä until relätively smooth änd flät. Gärnish with crushed cändy cäne, if desired.
  5. Pläce in freezer for ät leäst än hour to ällow the cups to härden. Consume frozen, cold or ät room temperäture.*
  6. Store in the fridge for up to ä week or in the freezer for up to ä month.
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