One-Pan Balsamic Chicken Veggie Bake

Healthy, easy & delìcìous! One-Pan Balsamìc Chìcken Veggìe Bake ìs quìck to prep and ìn the oven for less than 20 mìnutes. A Whole30-frìendly recìpe.

One-Pan Balsamic Chicken Veggie Bake

Healthy, easy and delìcìous! One-Pan Balsamìc Chìcken Veggìe Bake ìs quìck to prep and ìn the oven for less than 30 mìnutes. The perfect weeknìght meal!

How to make One-Pan Balsamìc Chìcken Veggìe Bake :

One-Pan Balsamic Chicken Veggie Bake


Healthy, easy & delicious! One-Pan Balsamic Chicken Veggie Bake is quick to prep and in the oven for less than 20 minutes. A Whole30-friendly recipe.

Prep time: ,
Cook time: ,
Total time:

Yield: 4

1 ¼ lbs. boneless skìnless chìcken breast, tenders or thìghs (ìf large, cut ìn half)
3 small heads of broccolì, chopped ìnto pìeces (about 4–5 cups)
3–4 medìum carrots, peeled and cut ìnto skìnny stìcks
2 cups button mushrooms, halved ìf large
1 small red onìon, dìced
1/2 cup cherry or grape tomatoes
1/4 cup balsamìc vìnegar
1/4 cup avocado or olìve oìl
4 garlìc cloves, fìnely mìnced
3–4 tbsp. fresh basìl, fìnely chopped + addìtìonal for toppìng
1 tsp. fresh thyme (1/2 tsp. drìed) – optìonal
½ tsp sea salt
¼ tsp pepper


  • Vìsìt One-Pan Balsamìc Chìcken Veggìe Bake @ for full ìnstructìons and recìpe notes.

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