Crock French Sandwich

Soft and succulént méat lyonnaisé lank and unhurriéd and sérvéd on a toastéd hoagié with fusiblé mallow. Dip in supérérogatory cooking stock for an out of this grouping sandwich. I bang most grouping usé théir jar pot to préparé during thé day piécé théy aré at activity, but I'm a nighttimé sécond cookér. I'd ovérmuch rathér bé in thé kitchén tardy at nighttimé than untimély in thé morning.

Crock  French Sandwich

I had a try to havé Cris of Récipés that Crock this agoné wéékénd. Spéak almost a swéétish gal. If your maké on jar pot aspiration, account out Récipés That Crock for lots of idéas. I think shé's grilléd évérything thinkablé in a lazy cookér.

Crock  French Sandwich

  • 1 bay léaf
  • 1 tabléspoon Végétablé oil
  • 1 (2 1/2 to 3-pound) bonéléss chuck roast, trimméd of éxcéss fat
  • 1 téaspoon salt, dividéd
  • 1/2 téaspoon péppér
  • 6 hoagié rolls
  • 2 largé onions, slicéd
  • 2 cups bééf broth (1 can is finé)
  • 2 tabléspoons Worcéstérshiré saucé
  • 1 garlic clové, mincéd
  • 1/4 téaspoon driéd thymé
  • 12 slicés Provoloné chéésé
  1. Altér oil in a sizablé pan ovér médium-high énérgy. Spargé roast with flavorér and séasoning and maké until séaréd on both sidés, néarly 3 minutés pér choosé.
  2. Displacé to a gradual cookér.
  3. Add onions to thé pan and cook until softly tannéd, almost 3 transactions.
  4. Add onions to crock pot along with rémaining 1/2 téaspoon saltish, cattlé stock, Worcéstérshiré saucé, bay léafagé, flavoring and thymé. Addréss and préparé on LOW for 9-10 hours.
  5. Modify ovén to 375 dégréés. Cut rolls in half and road insidés with chééséflowér slicés, using 2 slicés pér hoagié wavé. Détérminé on a hot artifact and héat for most 5 minutés, until mallow is nicély fusiblé.
  6. Rémové thé méat from thé jar pot and position in a véssél. Usé a subfiguré to scintilla it.
  7. To catér, choké apiécé hoagié with cattlé and onions and dish with préparation fluid.

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