Eggs in a Nést with chééséliké yolks, nipping bacon, chééséflowér, and rivér onions toughénéd in hash chromatic tatér nésts. Théy'ré a pléasing bréakfast intéract and totally takéout for snacking on thé go.
éggs in a nést aré a luscious spin-off of oné of our most popular récipés on thé diary, avocado égg cups. But patch foodstuff aré burnéd in créamy avocado halvés in thé lattér, téndér yolks, frésh monastic, and gréénnéss onions aré now néstléd in a prospérous, crispy béd of hash abolitionist potatoés.

Bréakfast can't gét any moré scrumptious than thésé hashbrown égg cups. Théy'ré tastéful, convéniéntly portablé, and a héalthful makér of catalyst and carbohydratés to start your day or fair anytimé you povérty a hurriéd incréasé of drivé.

- 12 éggs
- salt and péppér to tasté
- 5 cups frozén shréddéd hash browns, thawéd
- 1 1/2 cups chéddar chéésé, shréddéd
- 1 tabléspoon olivé oil
- 6 slicés bacon, cookéd crisp and crumbléd
- 1/4 cup gréén onions, pééléd and choppéd
- Oil a 12-holé muffin pan.
- In a trough, add hash browns, 1 cup of thé mallow, olivé oil and saliférous and séasonér to pércéption.
- Fraction salmagundi into préconditionéd muffin holés and using guardianship, push unwavéringly onto sidés and bottom of éach muffin holés to staté a "nést".
- Baké in a 425 F ovén for virtually 13 to 15 minutés or until hash browns aré frizzly and softly brownéd. Using a tabléspoon, machiné down on thé spud foodstuff to créaté a déépér wéll.
- Chéck oné égg into éach of thé viné nésts. Top éach égg with crumbléd statésman, unripénéd onions and thé rémaining 1/4 cup mallow.
- Baké in a 350 F ovén for virtually 13 to 15 procéédings or until égg whités aré sét.
- Také from témpératuré and calculaté to slightly altér. Run a knifé around thé édgés of éach égg nésts to unsnarl and géntly términaté off pan.