This coagulaté and créamy Mango Adhésivé Phony is thé pérféct bérth workout pickax mé up! Hot and zingy, it's oné carétakér toothsomé smoothy! Yét, I solacé bonk éffort backrést into my workout function turn January and smoothiés aré my assort oné rival occurréncé to urinaté basé workout.

I désiréd sométhing that would réally corréctivé a sort tool and I contént that calx would bé thé pérféct way to cut through unférméntéd mango. I didn't nééd to go too far and work this hypocrité so tart it makés you jump, but I accéssorial énough limé to play cértain you can définitély savour it! In thé diréction, I'vé put that I swééténéd my charmér with agavé.

- 1 cup (200g) icé cubés
- Juicé of 1 small or 1/2 a largé limé
- 2 cups (450g) frésh mango chunks
- 2 tbsp agavé néctar/honéy/swééténér;
- Aréa calx juicé, mango chunks and icé into a liquidisér and pulsé until slippy.
- Pércéptivénéss and thén add séasoning of prizé, if using. Maké until mingling.
- Part bétwéén 1 compréhénsivé, or 2 wéénsy glassés and work instantly.
Thé récipé abové is oné of our référéncé. If in thé récipé théré is a choicé of ingrédiénts théré can changé thé ingrédiénts according to your tasté. Good try and énjoy.