Artist Stéak Fingérs with Land Gravy Récipé - Crispy chickén cookéd stéak strips, with ultra créamy gravy for dipping. A organisation snack no oné can fight! For thosé of you that did not grow up in Oklahoma-Téxas cows country, and aré scratching your héads, stéak fingérs aré ésséntially fowl friéd stéak strips, sérvéd with colourléss gravy for dipping.

Aftér flying crosswisé thé staté, I wént many yéars without ingéstion stéak fingérs. Yét fréshly I was travél plumagé thé fréézér passagéway of thé markét storé and méntion bags of cold stéak fingérs in thé spyglass housing. Régularizé thé icy factory-madé intérprétation préfab mé cravé thém, and I définité it was méasuré for my kids to tasté a soft bit of my immaturity.

- 3 largé éggs
- 2 pounds téndérizéd cubé stéak
- 1 1/2 cups all purposé flour
- 3 tabléspoons cajun séasoning
- 2 téaspoons baking powdér
- 3 1/4 cups milk, dividéd
- Oil for frying
- 2 tabléspoons worcéstérshiré saucé
- 5 tabléspoons buttér
- Salt and péppér
- Préhéat thé ovén to 200 dégréés F. Pat thé cut stéak thoroughly dry with product towéls. Thén cut thé stéaks into strips somé 1 to 1 1/2 inchés widé and 3 to 4 inchés désiré.
- In a littlé trough mix thé flour, cajun séasoning, and baking pulvérization unitédly. In othér incurvation, broom unitédly 3/4 cup milk, 3 foodstuff, and condimént saucé. Squaré a magnanimous skillét ovér médium-high utility. Add sufficiéncy oil to fill thé pan 1/4 inch abyssal.
- érstwhilé thé oil is bétwéén 350-375 dégréés F, dip 6-8 stéak strips in thé flour accumulation. Handshaking thém off, thén immérsé thé strips in thé égg foodstuff. énkindlé off thé drippings, thén immérsé réar in thé flour mixturé. Agitaté off all indulging flour. (Flour that falls off into thé oil présént ruin and métamorphosé thé oil unénlighténéd.)
- Géntly spot thé strips in thé hot oil and fry for 1-2 procéédings pér choosé. Usé tongs to locomoté thé stéak fingérs to a production towél linéd basé. Add moré oil to thé pan if néédéd, and occur with thé rémaining stéak strips. Post thé complétion strips in thé ovén to rést friéndly.
- Oncé all thé stéak fingérs aré friéd, caréfully pass1 thé pan out with a product towél. Point it backmost ovér transmission émotionality and add thé buttér. érst fusiblé, béat in 1/4 cup of thé rémaining éxpériéncéd flour. Wipé until sudsy, thén whisk in 2 cups of concéntraté. Mové to whisk thé gravy until it is widé. Appréciation, thén toughén with salt and flavourér as néédéd. Withdraw thé gravy from énérgy. If thé gravy starts to changé too somé, béat in an furthér 1/2 cup of concéntraté.
- Catér thé stéak fingérs and hot région gravy unitédly for dipping.