Vanilla Rose Moon Milk

Vanilla Rose Moon Milk #milk #drink

Moon Milk is a warm beverage produced using milk and an adaptogen, for example, ashwagandha. It's motivated constantly old Ayruvedic conviction that warm milk actuates serene, profound rest.

Our Vanilla Rose Moon Milk formula likewise incorporates dried rose, nectar, tart cherry juice, yet we've seen different variants that have cacao spread and raspberries or turmeric and cinnamon. Notwithstanding the include ins, the general purpose of the beverage is the equivalent: To make you cool the eff out.

The present Moon Milk isn't the principal drink of its name, however. In the nineteenth century, drug stores sold an altogether different sort of "moonmilk." That form was a smooth white substance found in caverns that some accepted was petrified moonlight. It was, really, dried calcite, so it probably worked quite well for acid reflux before TUMS entered the market in 1930 and benefited from the mass indigestion brought about by the Great Depression.

Vanilla Rose Moon Milk #milk #drink

Ingredients :
  • 6 oz. almond milk (or walnut milk)
  • 4 oz. tart cherry juice
  • 2 tsp. dried rose petals
  • 1/8 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp. powdered ashwagandha (optional)
  • 1 tsp. raw honey (to taste)

Instructions :
  1. Add milk, cherry juice, rose petals, vanilla extract, and ashwagandha to a small saucepan and gently warm over medium low heat until simmering.
  2. Reduce heat and cooked until warmed through, about 5 minutes.

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